BTEC works for students

BTECs cover the skills, knowledge and behaviours of different career sectors. They help you to prepare for your future career by teaching you things you can apply to real-life work situations.

What BTEC is best for you?

Take our 3-minute quiz to find out which BTEC subjects most suit your skills and interests.

It's nice and easy. Tell us how much you agree or disagree with a series of statements covering your strengths, your interests, and how you like to work.

We'll use your answers to tell you which subjects are your best match!

Take the quiz

Explore all the different BTEC subjects you can choose from.

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Quizzes taken so far

Want to know what subjects we think you’re perfect for?

Take the quiz and find out.

Stories from our BTEC Ambassadors

Image of Max Whitlock

Featured Story

Max Whitlock

Triple Olympic and three-time World Champion Gymnast

Image of Flex


Social Media Influencer - The United View

Image of George Clarke

George Clarke

Architect, TV Presenter and Campaigner

Image of Teanna Maguire

Teanna Maguire

Midwifery Undergraduate at Manchester University

What you will get

When you complete the quiz, you'll get a ranked list of the 10 subjects you're most suited to.
We also give you more info on your top BTECs, so you can start learning more about them. And you'll be able to get your own copy of your results to keep!

Organisations we are working with